Your visa has been approved, you have bought your ticket, and you are eager to reach the new stop of your life, Dublin, as soon as possible. And then what?

Don’t worry about it! We will tell you step by step what you need to do after you get off the plane and what is waiting for you.

Arrivals and Registration

First of all, if you are not a citizen of the European Union, your visa will grant you the right to stay in Ireland for up to 90 days. If you plan to stay for more than 90 days, you must register with the Irish Naturalization and Immigration Service (INIS). Please visit the INIS website, ,  to make an appointment. We recommend you finish it because appointments fill up very quickly.

The documents you will need for the appointment are roughly;

  • Your passport
  • Proof of address: The document indicates that you live at the address you claimed, rental agreement, invoice, etc.
  • The letter that you will receive from your workplace or school depending on purpose of your arrival.
  • Private Health Insurance: You can get it online from any company you choose.

When you go to your appointment, you should have these documents and the necessary amount of cash or a credit card, that is open to spending abroad, to pay fees.

 Your biometric data (photo and fingerprints) will be taken during the appointment.

After you finish our appointment without a problem. Your residence permit card will be delivered to your address with the stamp type according to your qualifications. You can check all types of stamps and their requirements, functions, and renewal conditions on the blog section below this page.

PPS Number Collection

Personal Public Service (PPS) number is a unique reference number that helps you access social welfare benefits, public services, and information in Ireland, and it is very important for you to live your life in Ireland comfortably. For example, if you start working without a PPS number, 40% of your salary will be deducted as a tax. After receiving your PPS number, you can get back the taxes deducted from your salary, but the earlier you apply, the better it will be for you, as there is a waiting period that varies depending on the intensity. You can apply for your PPS number on by following instructions. Required documents are listed on website but the most important ones are proof of address and PPS letter which you can collect from your employer or school depending on your circumstances.

Opening a bank account

Allied Iris Bank (AIB), Bank of Ireland and Ulster Bank are the most well-known banks in Ireland, and you can choose one or more than one to open an account. You can apply online via their websites, or you can visit a bank branch with your passport, resident permit card (GNIB card), PPS number and proof of address. Also, you can use online banking applications such as Revolut, Wise and MoneyJar in the process of opening an Irish bank account.

These are the most important legal processes which you must complete for having a peaceful and happy life in Ireland. After you completed every step above you will be officially DUBLINATED person. Also, you can find more on blogs below the page! Enjoy your new adventure!