“You have arrived in a new country, but is it going to be your new home? We have to accept that finding accommodation might be challenging in Dublin, but don’t worry. If you follow the correct steps, finding your new peaceful home is not impossible! You might ask…”

“How can I find an Accommodation?”

Firstly, you need to learn which tools to use for searching for accommodation. www.daft.ie and www.rent.ie are the most popular and safe websites that you can use for this purpose. Additionally, some Facebook groups such as “Flatmate Dublin,” “Rent in Dublin,” and “The Ideal Flatmate” can be considered an efficient resource. Regardless of which tool you use, the most important point to remember is being first. There are thousands of adverts, and there are thousands of people who try to get that property. Advertisers consider the first applications. Always chase the most recent adverts. The best way of doing this can be setting notification alarms on these platforms. What you need to do is prepare a text which gives information about you, your job, your purpose, etc., and apply to the advertisement the moment that you receive the notification.

“How much does it cost?”

Accommodation prices in Dublin are quite changeable, depending on the location, age of the house, room sizes, and number of residents. We suggest renting a room in a shared house as a first step. Prices vary based on personal preferences, but the average cost ranges between €600 and €800. However, if you prefer to live alone in a double room in the city centre, be prepared to pay more than €1500. On the other hand, if you want to save money and live economically, you can find a twin room to share with someone else in the country, far from the city centre, for around €400 to €450. Ultimately, the choice depends on your preferences.

What should I pay attention?

This can be the most important question because unfortunately, like in every part of the world, there are some bad guys and scammers who try to deceive people. So you should be careful! First of all, a real host always offers you a house viewing, so do not pay any amount of money before you visit and see the house physically! After that, at the first payment, most landlords demand the first rent and the deposit in advance. So, make sure you have enough money and a written document that both sides sign before you make the payment!

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